Botia's Snaps

Rube in AB :)
Silly meal vendor :)
Craftybot delivery
Thanks for everything, stoot. I'll make a rhubarb pie on the...
A wistful place
Aww, Sequioa Baer has a link to the Glitch Naturalist blog in...
We're so far from each other, but we wish on this star to have...
And lastly, the big orange dude :)
Little stars on the walls in the green dude.
The dragons are catlike in their sleeping positions.
Gray dragon :)
A dragon, a dev, and a Rube
One of the new dragons in Glitch. Jumping into them leads to a...
We should be able to make the uvula wiggle or something.
I LOVE the little hearts on the walls of the duodenal browns :)
New lifeform spotted in the firebog!
WTF gnome?
I would climb the tallest trees to be with her.
Dancing with her in the starry eternal dusk of Nottis.
She's so far from me here that I appear to be larger than she is.
Seeing her everywhere in Nottis makes my imagination run wild.
And we dance again in the icy northlands with stars as our audience.
Even in the coldest places, her light warms my heart when I...
Solution to puzzle. If you're having a hard time making the jumps...
I need a rat costume for this quest.
A misty cave in Valatu. Beautiful.
Found Zombie Dev in Valatu.
She's really into Pot.
weird floating jellisac