

SeerQueen SeerQueen added jjbob as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
Kloro Completist jjbob earned the Kloro Completist badge
a long time ago
First Eleven jjbob earned the First Eleven badge
a long time ago
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And thanks :) I'll miss you!

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No... I meant that glitch has changed too much to re-do my subscription.

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Status update

Well, my sub runs out tomorrow. Glitch has changed to much to re-do it. Guess this is the end of me on glitch. To friends: Thanks. You've made it awesome and it was great fun. I will miss you. A lot. Staff/Developers/Tiny Speck: You guys made a great game for me, and others. Some too took the IMG well, others didn't. Thanks for the great times, keep working hard! To everyone: I <3 YOU!

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  1. Hab

    Hey jj - I read your July 27 comment just now, so I understand now what you mean. So sorry to have you go. As you say though, life is full of other things, and I think we all have to find the things that work for us, our lives and our personalities - so more power to you for realizing that. Hang in there and keep looking for the things that make you happy! (((jjbob)))