Ren_tara, BatQueen


Status update
Ren_tara, BatQueen

Glitch was people. The world was beautiful, the gameplay engaging, the dialogue quirky, and the jokes entertaining. I will always remember Ur as a place to explore and marvel at. But Glitch was everyone here. You were a large part of my life for over a year, and you have left a gaping hole in my heart. You are the community I chose, the people I confided in. You were love, you were reassurance, you were sarcasm, you were annoyance. I came back for more nearly every day. Glitch was my family. The one I chose. The one I wanted. The one I would never have given up had I been given a choice. And families don't say good-bye. I will see you all again, somehow, somewhere. Glitch was people.

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I pride myself on my absolutely preposterous moments!

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Status update
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Status update
Ren_tara, BatQueen

I've been going through people and trying to get contact info. I've avoided this for months, and now it may be too late to stay in touch with everyone I've held dear. If anyone else is doing the same, find me on or skype at renaissanceriss1021. Lobes you all, this was truly an adventure worth having.

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Status update
Ren_tara, BatQueen

...I can honestly say that's the first time I have ever received that particular compliment. And I'm not quite sure what to do with it. Nekkid. Maybe I'll just go out nekkid.

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  1. Mollie

    I pride myself on my absolutely preposterous moments!

    1 reply

Ren_tara, BatQueen

what's he trying to say? *feigns disappointment*


In my final hours...
I haven't been on Glitch much lately. I claimed that it was because of school. It's been dead week and finals. But if we're being honest, it wasn't because of school. Sure, busyness helped keep me away. But really, it was the sadness. Glitch has been a wonderful experience. I made a lot of friends while I was here. I even fell in love here. Ur has been my comfort and my solace since I discovered it. I owned my own house, helped others buy houses, got to decorate and do as I pleased, and I literally helped build a world. I don't want to imagine my life without Glitch. I can't imagine my life without my fellow Glitchen. I will be logged in until the end, exploring the world, hanging out with friends. And just standing here while my rl self sleeps. I am going to savor this time as much as possible. These final hours... they are all we have left of something that was so much more than just a game to most of us. I wish you all well. And bid you goodbye. <3, Ren