Biz Nizza


Nudgery I Biz Nizza finished learning the Nudgery I skill
a long time ago
Transcendental Radiation II Biz Nizza finished learning the Transcendental Radiation II skill
a long time ago
Reply to
Scarlett Bearsdale

I think that this group could be frickin' HYSTERICAL if we got more members.

6 replies

Status update
Biz Nizza

im not into groups, but you're right, it is pretty funny. and clever.

0 replies
Advanced Spice Collector Biz Nizza earned the Advanced Spice Collector badge
a long time ago
Bean Counter Pro Biz Nizza earned the Bean Counter Pro badge
a long time ago
max_champlin max_champlin added Biz Nizza as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago