

Smallchalet Smallchalet added Squiggle-Squee as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
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Anybody have any idea about how to get in contact with Kukubee?

3 replies

Status update

He said he was religiously checking the Snaps for the Art Book thread in the forums.

0 replies
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Carl Projectorinski

This is a cool page, because Carl finally makes an appearance.

2 replies

Status update
1 reply
  1. Carl Projectorinski

    That sucks! There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with the site. Can you try it again today and let me know if it's still a problem?

Beans, Obviously Beans, Obviously added Squiggle-Squee as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
Ann DramaDuh Ann DramaDuh added Squiggle-Squee as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago


A note!
Because you asked so nicely for me to leave you one.