

Jal Completist Sparklepunk earned the Jal Completist badge
a long time ago
Hoochmeister Sparklepunk earned the Hoochmeister badge
a long time ago
Haraiva Completist Sparklepunk earned the Haraiva Completist badge
a long time ago
Gegnar Gegnar added Sparklepunk as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
Member of Hi Society Sparklepunk earned the Member of Hi Society badge
a long time ago
Brillah Completist Sparklepunk earned the Brillah Completist badge
a long time ago


A note!
They would have to leave their Ur for awhile, while the Giants were awake, but they would have new worlds to explore, new people were dreaming and those worlds needed to be discovered....
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The Giants ma be awakening, but we can keep the dreaming. Run little Glitchen into the new worlds! Hurry! You may be sad to see your Ur gone! but you have a new world to explore!
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As long as we keep dreaming our Glitchen will be alive and exploring! They may miss their Ur, but they will have new worlds to discover! Keep the dream alive!
A note!
The giants may be awakening but we can still dream! Our glitchen may be sad to see Ur go, but they have new places to explore...
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The giants may be awakening, but we can still dream...
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and one day the Giants will awaken, but on that day the litchen will not perish, for they will be in OUR dreams, exploring our memory...
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The fiants may be awakening, we can all keep dreaming!
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We love our Ur and when the giants awaken, we will have to leave for awhile, but as long as someone is dreaming we will have somewhere new to explore.
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Our litch may miss our Ur but for now their are other worlds to long as someone is dreaming there will always be new worlds and wonders waiting for them to discover!
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Dream! Dream as much as you can! For our little Glitchen need a place to explore when the Giants awaken!
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I <3 u Glitch ; I
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The giants may be awakening, but as long as we keep dreaming our glitchen may miss Ur but they will have new worlds to explore! <3
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Our Glitchen will miss their wonderful Ur, when the Giants awake... the rocks and trees and piggies...but if we keep dreming they will have new worlds for them to explore! Keep the dream alive!
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I've thought a lot about the end of this place since I heard of it. This is the only game I'v ever considered spending money on. The only game I didn't feel like it would be stupid to spend money on. It was such a nice happy place to go after work. I would go in and out of playing, but I always thought I'd be able to return. I'm very glad I was introduced to it one day by a friend on Facebook and I'm very gad that I indroduced my mom to it, only glad we didn't have more time. It was so nice having a pretty game with pretty music, that wasn't all about battles. It was great, I wish it could last so much.
A note!
The Giants are awakenin, but as long as someone still dreams the Glitchen will have new worlds to discover. Keep the dream alive!
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As our Glitchen say goodbye to Ur, remember, we must keep dreaming and creating new wonderful worlds for them to explore!
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Ur would never be forgotten...but they needed to move on, new giants were dreaming new worlds and they needed to be explored!