Toxic Moonie


Reply to
Count Battra

i don't have much to say here anymore, at least not anything that everyone else is saying... {i.e: i miss this place, i miss you people..., :) } but i still come here now and again to catch up... so ((((((((HUGS)))))))) all

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Status update
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Reply to
Piece of Serenity

You held me and wrapped me with warmth and love in my darkest hours. Oh how I need you to soothe me now. So much loss. So many lost to me. How I wish I could be in your gentle embrace softly bouncing up and down. I would spend hours with you letting my heart sort letting you ease my pains and sorrows. I did not willingly let you go. I did not abandon you. Yet I am to be lost and alone forever. Without your gentle touch and your calm what am I? A mere memory? A phantom? A lost dream? I gaze at you in pictures but it is just a reflection of what you were. You do not live and breathe as you did before. Your face fades from my memory a little more each day as the last tendrils of your love slip from my soul. Oh my treasured one, how do I find peace now without you?

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Status update
Toxic Moonie

Pieces of my heart are breaking off left and right. So lost and alone.

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Chartreuse Marauder Chartreuse Marauder added Toxic Moonie as a friend! (it's mutual)
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Myra-Chan Myra-Chan added Toxic Moonie as a friend!
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Danny Danny added Toxic Moonie as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago