

lizzard lizzard added MonkeyPantz as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
MonkeyPantz joined
a long time ago
MonkeyPantz joined
a long time ago
Reply to
stoot barfield

Haven't been in the game for days since (1) crazy busy, even more so than when we were full speed ahead on the game, and (2) it's a bit overwhelming with the IMs and homestreet visits, etc. — computer can barely keep up, but mostly (3) it's just too sad! But, each of those three are resolving themselves and I'll be online much more over the last few weeks.

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Status update

The best way to solve this issues Stoot is not to close the game. You can thank me later for helping you with your issues :)

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Well, I guess that solves my issue with getting caught playing Glitch at work... :(

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Status update
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