

rasamalai rasamalai added Varekai as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
Status update

I think my home street is being "cleaned". My metal machine and my woodworker aren't showing up in the picture anymore, but my fuelmaker is still there.

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Yes, Tiny Speck. That certainly was fun. Preposterous, yet I will really miss it.

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NutMeg Botwin

I also forgot to say goodbye to my botler, and now I want to cry. I need to get it together...I know it's just a computer program... :(

2 replies

Status update

If you traded hi signs with him in the last day, you did say bye! It might not have been as sentimental, but botlers don't go in for that mushy stuff anyway.

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1 reply
  1. Spree

    You say that, but when I told my Amanita I loved her, she said "I love you too". But then, she was a big MUSHroom.

Status update

I hope I'll be able to stop crying soon because I do have to go to work in the morning! I want all of you to know that whenever I was in this world, I felt good and I felt hopeful, even at the times I was pretty depressed in real life. You are all good people!

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Hero of the Cubimals Varekai earned the Hero of the Cubimals badge
a long time ago


A note!
Since our coin totals are now about 13 million, I don't think it matters very much! :)