

Lorian Lorian added Cassandria as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
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I'm not, I seem to be too cantankerous or something for most people to enjoy...

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Nothing wrong with cantankerous in my book! ;)

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Happy Christmas and Best Wishes for New Year to everyone, it was wonderful knowing all of you. xx

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Crying doesn't help . . . nothing seems to . . . and . . . I am left feeling that I failed Glitch . . . that I didn't give enough, worse the tiny speck of light I am holding onto seems fragile and I fear losing it. That makes me want to hold onto it tighter rather than let it go. Why let go something so beautiful so unique, I can see the game is gone but the ache in my soul . . . it just hurts so much

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Fae, you gave so much! You gave fun and pleasure to all of us with your creations and imagination. You made Glitch as much as it could be, and I really appreciated that, as did many others. Keep holding the speck of light, maybe if we all keep holding it there will be a miracle! Sharing the hurt with you. :(

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Rough day today . . . I am so not ready to leave Ur behind, I don't know how, all I know is tonight I am not letting go of the tiny speck of hope that will see me return to Ur one day . . . am I nuts . . . yeah most likely, but I think its more I'm a dreamer and something as beautiful as Glitch is something worth holding close. I cannot pass through the grey veil yet if I close my eyes, the darkess slowly fades and there upon my yeti bed my old emo bear is waiting, I feel his soft fur as I pick him up, frowning at the red lips, they still look out of place to me, and yet it is the same face I saw everyday whenever a hug was given . . . and ohh I feel the warmth of that hug. When I look around I find a room filled with friends . . . yes we are shadows now but so strong was the love we shared here that even now when we dream Ur remembers us . ..

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Fae, you lit up Glitch for me with your imagination. We WILL go back! One day! We will remember. :)

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  1. Rook

    Did you know that you were the (possibly) first person to be added by Stoot Barfield? Your glitch can now squish grapes in peace. #adhdftw

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I can not access groups pages. Anyone else :(

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I can get it Misha, link now up by the Forum one, maybe you just hit a bad spot?

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