Mr LaserExplosion


Status update
Mr LaserExplosion

Backed the Glitch book for $150. More than I spent on my subscription in the years I played, but as I unexpectedly got that money back it was worth giving it back once again for a book of memories. Good times.

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Mr LaserExplosion

I might not have entered the world for ~120 days. But I'm gutted on the news that Glitch is closing. I kept my subscription going despite my lack of play just to support such an awesome game and it's developers. It's been a fun few years. From the start of the Alpha when I joined, right up until my own project launched and got in way of being able to play after the unlaunch. To everyone I've played with over that time, thanks for the memories. It's been awesome and is a truly sad day.

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Status update
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Status update
Mr LaserExplosion

I might not have entered the world for ~120 days. But I'm gutted on the news that Glitch is closing. I kept my subscription going despite my lack of play just to support such an awesome game and it's developers. It's been a fun few years. From the start of the Alpha when I joined, right up until my own project launched and got in way of being able to play after the unlaunch. To everyone I've played with over that time, thanks for the memories. It's been awesome and is a truly sad day.

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Potionmaking III Mr LaserExplosion finished learning the Potionmaking III skill
a long time ago
Spuggster Spuggster added Mr LaserExplosion as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
Lady SnuggleWumps Lady SnuggleWumps added Mr LaserExplosion as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago