

Little Poundcake

This would've made a nice Zilloween unlockable.

rasamalai rasamalai added Nanookie as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
Little Poundcake

Not even the end of the world slows this place down. It's like they have no idea what goes on outside their own building!

Nanookie there going to be a downloadable version of the encyclopedia? I would srsly pay real mohnay for that.

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caley dunn

ight.. and I've been downloading snaps by others that I like manually, because they won't be part of the massive download option that is still available to us. At least that's my understanding of how it works.

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yes! Plus I also have several screenshots from pre-snap days too. Some of which are already on Glitch, come to think of it.

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I guess I am going to make a Glitch set or two on Flickr, since we can't group snaps here. Uh, we can't, right?

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  1. caley dunn

    ight.. and I've been downloading snaps by others that I like manually, because they won't be part of the massive download option that is still available to us. At least that's my understanding of how it works.

    2 replies

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Little Poundcake

A clear dawn sharpens my senses. Today will be a great day.

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Nice place... have here!
Thank you, Tiny Speck
Some of my favorite items. What a wonderful time it was, thanks so much TS!