

Status update

Finally got around to updating the Glitch HQ App on my TF Prime! It still works! Gosh I miss glitch....

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Sorry, its just that I haven't been happy for a loooooong time. Where is everyone? Cheese danish king? ShadowCat? Pollen? The Sunset? Stoot? Hello? Where are my friends? D: Don't fade away

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Status update

I'm not any of those people, but I'm still here, checking in from time to time

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  1. OMG BACON!!

    You are my friend! And that is what counts <3

Slippery Customer Kamer earned the Slippery Customer badge
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Candy Snaffler Kamer earned the Candy Snaffler badge
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Roux Guru Kamer earned the Roux Guru badge
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Intermediate Fruit Metamorphosizer Kamer earned the Intermediate Fruit Metamorphosizer badge
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