

Groddle Meadow Completist Arethusa earned the Groddle Meadow Completist badge
a long time ago
Globetrotter Extraordinaire Arethusa earned the Globetrotter Extraordinaire badge
a long time ago
Giant Lover Arethusa earned the Giant Lover badge
a long time ago
Aethelbert Aethelbert added Arethusa as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
Friend of Cubimals Arethusa earned the Friend of Cubimals badge
a long time ago
Groddle Forest Completist Arethusa earned the Groddle Forest Completist badge
a long time ago


Full circle
Three months and some days ago, one tiny little Glitch fell off the boat and landed here, in Stopan Winnow. 34 levels, countless streets and friends later, it's only fitting that I leave this game here as well. This game was absolutely preposterous, and yet I will really miss it.

Thank you for the best three months and the best MMO experience of my life, Tiny Speck!

Much love,
