Kaja Rainbow


Marzena Marzena added Kaja Rainbow as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
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Kaja Rainbow

Also, I might as well say this now: I'll have a really hard time being convinced Ruby Specklebottom isn't the best name ever.

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Kaja Rainbow

One of my favorite things in Glitch was seeing what wonderful and wacky looks other Glitchen would wear. I liked seeing people wearing weird things like octopus hats and such. Not to mention all the fun face parts they gave us to play with.

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Kaja Rainbow

So. I'm not the most social person. I'll admit that. It's not uncommon for me to go entire days without even really talking with a single person. But I really loved this game. And I'll miss the fun people here, even if i never really got to know them that well. I can't say that I'll be particularly talkative even if I did get contact info for people, but... You're all cool. I hope you have good lives from now on.

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  1. elka

    I was exactly the same way and I feel exactly the same way. Glad to hear I was not alone... It takes all kinds to make a world and I don't think we were "lesser" players because of that! *hugs* It was nice to meet you!

Kaja Rainbow joined
a long time ago
Status update
Kaja Rainbow

Oh dear. This is sad news. :( I only logged in now every and then, but I enjoyed playing this game just to relax. It was pleasant having something where I could just run around and jump and pet piggies and so on. Combined with the closing of City of Heroes, this will be a sad couple of months for me.

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