

Martial Imagination Larurua finished learning the Martial Imagination skill
a long time ago
Teleportation V Larurua finished learning the Teleportation V skill
a long time ago
Drifa Completist Larurua earned the Drifa Completist badge
a long time ago
Hoochmeister Larurua earned the Hoochmeister badge
a long time ago
Decent Citizen Larurua earned the Decent Citizen badge
a long time ago
Jal Completist Larurua earned the Jal Completist badge
a long time ago


The Final Candle
The flame flickers, and the candle gutters out.

Farewell, whispers the darkness.

See you again someday, says the light.
The Final Candle
The flame flickers, and the candle gutters out. Farewell, whispers the darkness. See you again someday, says the light.