Granny Firefly


Aspirational Home Improver Granny Firefly earned the Aspirational Home Improver badge
a long time ago
First Eleven Granny Firefly earned the First Eleven badge
a long time ago
Granny Firefly reached level 46
a long time ago
Bowser Granny Firefly earned the Bowser badge
a long time ago
Curious George Granny Firefly earned the Curious George badge
a long time ago
Status update
Granny Firefly

Great, can't extend my subscription that ends today and now I'm not allowed to upgrade to subscriber only stuff anymore. Maybe TS doesn't want my money?

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Please don't take the stuff up there! ^
Everything you see up there are offerings to the 3 Giants and there for decoration purpose.
Please, use the garden if you want but don't take my decorations... The Giants won't be pleased if you take what's theirs ;)

Thank you so much!