Moose J Finklestein


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Moose J Finklestein

I dunno why I keep coming back here. The forums are full of people who still haven't accepted that Glitch is gone, as well as posts by people claiming they're going to rebuild the wheel (of Glitch) and people fawning all over them - which is probably why the claims exist. All the supposed sites are just forums with "ideas", and none of the alleged creators seems to understand the grasp of what it takes to put together and run an MMO. I feel worst for (current and former) TS staff who must see the posts that offer resurrection and hope to those still grieving, and shake their heads in sorrow.

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  1. Twynk

    *sings* Born to hand jive baby... *does the hand jive*

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☣ elf ☣

I still need more onion rings. Hurry hurry. Also: send pony. And ketchup.

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SeerQueen SeerQueen added Moose J Finklestein as a friend!
a long time ago
The Cat Face The Cat Face added Moose J Finklestein as a friend!
a long time ago
bluey bluey added Moose J Finklestein as a friend!
a long time ago


This Game is Absolutely Preposterous
and I doubt there will ever be anything like it again.

I'm more convinced than ever that Stoot is a crack monkey. Ya gotta be nuts to make something this whacky and fun.

Thanks for the memories, Glitches. Remember, I hate you all!