Frogger The Mad


Status update
Frogger The Mad

I was introduced to this game by two of my bestest friends. In turn, I introduced it to my husband Xyzzy Magick and my kids Delta Stormsong and Echo Spirit. Then we introduced it to my favorite cousins Crazy Ivan and Iolana. And the kids introduced it to some of their best friends. We played in the thoughts of the giants and found a bigger family here in this preposterously delightfully magical place. Now it's our turn. The giants and their creations - Ur and all of us Glitchen - will live in my thoughts for the rest of my life, and I will carry the spirit of this world, this game, and the family we found here into everything I do. Tiny Speck, thank you - more than I have words for - for the opportunity you gave my family, and the magic you have added to the world. I am Frogger The Mad, now and always a Glitchen. If you run into me on the 'net or in real life, be sure to say hi! You're .all inside my thoughts.

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Melismata Rookwood Melismata Rookwood added Frogger The Mad as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
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If anyone is interested (I know one of the guys working on this) -

16 replies

Status update
Frogger The Mad

Thanks for posting this. I've signed up too!

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Pickle Bob

Any other SongPop, Draw Something (apps) Kingdom of Loathing, or Nation States players anywhere???????

12 replies

Status update
Frogger The Mad

Frogger The Mad on KOL, haven't gotten to Nation States yet, but I'll be Frogger The Mad (or as close as I can get ) when I do get to it. Do you know about Farewell Transmission Clan in KOL? Lots of Glitchen there, and very helpful and friendly!

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Status update
Frogger The Mad

After watching over Delta Stormsong's shoulder yesterday while he played around in the Ur Minecraft server on our family copy of Minecraft, I am farily certain our family is going to end buying three more Minecraft copies!

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scheijan scheijan added Frogger The Mad as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago


Muufo Melody: Zaruu Zilch
Hidden beneath Lem -
piggies and chicks welcome me
to their cozy cave.
A note!
Why did the sock cross the road? Because the chicken was wearing it.