Artie Effham


Artie Effham reached level 49
a long time ago
Egg Hunter Trophy Artie Effham earned the Egg Hunter Trophy badge
a long time ago
Ilmenskie Caverns Completist Artie Effham earned the Ilmenskie Caverns Completist badge
a long time ago
Haoma Completist Artie Effham earned the Haoma Completist badge
a long time ago
Chakra Phool Completist Artie Effham earned the Chakra Phool Completist badge
a long time ago
Zhambu Completist Artie Effham earned the Zhambu Completist badge
a long time ago


A note!
Thank you for Glitch! Sorry that the other players and I couldn't keep it all afloat for you. Many businesses fail after only a short time, others succeed beautifully but shut down anyway. :)

P.S. Clean up your street, man, it's a disaster! ;)