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Lay your picks and scrapers down, Catch the fading evenlight, Butterflies rest in the fruit trees as we sing to Ur, "good night." Fireflies glimmer, glimmer 'round all Shimla Mirch and back to you Bearing sparks from all the Glitchen Cosma, Tii and Friendly too. To be woven in our dreaming Good night Groddle, good night. ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

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Status update

Thank you for everything. <3 Goodbye, Glitch.

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What games have y'all migrated to? I want a world to play in, and if I can't have Ur....

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Status update

Dreamed about Glitch last night, sorta: there was a closed game that players found a way back into. Anyone who used the exploit and got caught had their avatar sent to this godawful Hieronymus Bosch hell the devs had rigged. It was like the antiGlitch. Creepy. And made me miss the game again. The rest of the dream was some kinda dystopia.

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Want back in! Nothing compares to Glitch!

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Status update

Saw the notice up top. Suddenly my announcement of OMG MY NEIGHBORS HAVE PHIX is less thrilling. I'm gonna miss youse guys so much, damnit.

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I saw your note in the Vortex. It's little things like that which I'll miss the most about this game. <3
You can't jokey-rhyme your way out of this one.
We needed so much more time
Consider how wonderful this street is. And wonder what we could have had in Glitch if there was more time. TS, thank you for imagining this beautiful world. Glitchen, thank you for playing in it. I'll miss you. <3
Goodnight, Groddle <3
Glitch was a glorious, magical, whimsical escape when I needed it. Thank you, TS, for creating this world for me to play in.