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Goddamn taps. Nah, my laptop has this terrible display driver issue that bites me in the ass regularly. Did you get to see it?

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is this the latest reply ever? :O ha ha! No, I'm British, it was like 4 in the morning for me :( Still missing Glitch :(

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I read this wrong, and thought it was due to a broken tap :O

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    Goddamn taps. Nah, my laptop has this terrible display driver issue that bites me in the ass regularly. Did you get to see it?

    1 reply

Transcendental Radiation III Ellezure finished learning the Transcendental Radiation III skill
a long time ago

Oh wow this is amazing, is that heart always there?



The last 2 minutes in Ur

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Stubby Bottles

I missed the end! It crashed and I couldn't reload it. Did anyone get a video of it? Please share it with me.

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Almost forgot this feeling of wonder
It's the end of UR as we know it... and I feel...

So many mixed feelings, I am so glad I got to play, meet such amazing people and appreciate this amazing world. But sad.... I feel I have so many things I still need to do, and the grief is something I couldn't imagine feeling over pixels.

Every one of us will take a little bit of UR in our hearts with us now and hopefully never forget this feeliing of wonder.

Thank you, Stoot, Tiny Speck and every little Glitchen that was ever imagined for reminding me how much love and soul there is in imagination.

Ellezure xx <3 xx