

sierra sierra added momofmany as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
Cowboy Cowboy added momofmany as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
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Kitsune Kyomoon

Another boring, sleepless night. Great time to be grabbing quoins or herbs or herring. Epic sigh.

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What's a good country to relocate to? I'm not very picky, just somewhere without a lot of conflict and an inexpensive standard of living.

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Canada's good, if you don't mind -40°, we have cool lights in the sky and pretty strict laws about guns

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Cereal Killer


hey neighbour
awesome display :)
have a great day
A note!
Hey there,
add me to your sign post then you can come to my home street fairly easily. See you soon :) Glitch was the reason I quit farmville