Kortanna's Snaps

so this is hell...
Wheee! :)
serious lag... she is in front of her own tombstone... O.O
My Family :)
Four Horsemen
I'm underground?
I finally lit my fireplace. My skills are complete (except...
I love these little visits. Sometimes, it makes what the trees...
Indeed Garden Gnome. Indeed.
My Bedroom... I may have a bear problem :)
Yay! :)
looks like hell... but it's not... :D
Wishing on a star!
and this is why it's called downside up.
I climbed all the way up here for this? O.o
I've been framed!
Interesting Cookbook...
Entrance to the vortex of random :)
I knew there was a basement. :)
LoL... Hi... in Jail...
This cat looks awfully familiar :) I wonder if there are any...
Rook Cemetary... Kind of Creepy...
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