Is it just me or is that Uncle Friendly's testicles in the background (just underneath mr granberry's name on the sign)
Osiris χ
12 years ago
Queen Zipporah
Omg!!!! rofl
12 years ago
12 years ago
Mama Yahtzee
12 years ago
Sadie the Goat
You found his "Extremely Rare Item", it's an Exquisite Nut Snack!
12 years ago
Haha. I would sooo keep it in an sdb. I don't want to even think of the possible verbs
12 years ago
I love the typo of "Nut Snack" instead of "Nut Sack" so much. ;)

I am afraid of the verbs, too.
12 years ago
Pale Queen
12 years ago
Fake. Definitely truck nuts.
12 years ago
Oh, didn't see nut snack. Every time I enter someone's street who has this design I will not be able to not look.

Wait...I think I have this street design. I feel so dirty.
12 years ago
Sadie the Goat
@Aliera, that was not a typo ;)
12 years ago
Osiris χ
XD it would be cool if they had truck nuts in here.
12 years ago
Voluptua Sneezelips
Notice how they kind of curve off over the edge of the landscape...does that mean they're still attached?
12 years ago
Voluptua, I just threw up in my mouth a little;)
12 years ago
Not a typo. Nut snack. Runs to the toilet to throw up last nights dinner...
12 years ago
EVEN BETTER! In a disgusting, disturbing way. ;)
12 years ago
Sadie the Goat
Oh you dirty birdies (you got my play on words)... But, I'm talking about a delightful "Nut Snack" one you CAN put in your mouth.. Uncle Friendly's special blend - salty/sweet/crunchy... maybe even spicy?!
12 years ago
Osiris χ
I have nothing more to contribute. And I thought I was a sick puppy..XD
12 years ago
Well at least now we know how "Uncle Friendly" got his name!
12 years ago
Mmm, Schweddy Balls...
12 years ago
Hey, VS!!! If they're not still attached, I would suspect Helga of tearing them off. UF probably forgot to tip her when out drinking in Ix.
12 years ago
Wyatt Taylor
This is so gross it's funny :P
12 years ago
Sadie - you are wickedly evil;) Creepy Uncle Friendly is on some kind of offenders register somewhere. Schweddy balls lolz! We need a backstory for this from Stoot himself. I agree Xocd, Helga's name is all over this. Now I realise that they are on my street as well it is the only thing I will ever see when I go /home:
12 years ago
Sadie the Goat
Love the extreme close-up - it's nards! You have to wonder what he was doing before he got crushed by all that landscape? .. I'd like to think he was out petitioning with some of the nudes of Ur.. you know, for more gas trees in Ix!
12 years ago
I just have so many questions that I demand an answer from Stoot himself. I shall always remember this incident as Testiclegate 2012
12 years ago
Osiris χ
Testiclegate - Never Forget
12 years ago
Who ever would see that? Now I cannot HELP BUT see it!! Aaargh......
12 years ago
Voluptua Sneezelips
That's one gate I don't think I wanna walk through, Cleops. ;) I picture it swinging closed in a particularly elasticky way...
12 years ago
Testiclegate - once seen, it cannot be unseen. I shall be starting a class action lawsuit in the morning;)
Voluptua - [shudder]
12 years ago
Call me crazy,however I don't see anything other than the strange trees,natural to Uralia.
Possibly that tree with 1 small branch and an top?.
12 years ago
Are they just hanging so low they are flopping thru a crack in the landscape?
maybe he was playing with his Funpickle and the transporter malfunctioned ... badly malfunctioned !!
12 years ago
I believe that you'll find that as Uncle Friendly has no fingers to grip with he uses his prickly but schweddy balls to climb the more mountainous cracks of Ur like Helga and my street (apparently).
12 years ago
Electric Wizard
whoa, that got out of hand.
12 years ago
Welllll, that crack got the better of him and apparently ended his ball climbing days.
12 years ago
12 years ago
hahaha uncle friendly's tea bag!
12 years ago
I'm sdb'ing the suckers the minute I can get one of you to volunteer to help me lift them into my inventory. Each one weighs a metric ton.
12 years ago
Osiris χ
Screw dat
12 years ago
Wyatt Taylor
Just visited a street. With testicles. Thank you Cleops. I think I have a trauma..... ;-)
12 years ago
Hehe. I'll add you to the list of people in on the class action lawsuit. I can't go near my signpost at the mo.
12 years ago
Osiris χ
12 years ago
OMG It is soooo there. Hilarious!
12 years ago
If anything we should all get 2500 iMG for just imagining/believing it is there:)
12 years ago
need to go wander around and see if there's more body parts left behind....
12 years ago
Yes, what is seen cannot be unseen. Right up there with the busted condom trees. Good catch there Cleops. Or is that a pitch. 0_o
12 years ago
Dahlia DreadNaught
This is the best devolution of a comment thread ever!
12 years ago
Electric Death
my eyes!! O_o
12 years ago
Once when I was a kid my mum bought my brother (6 years older) boxer shorts for Xmas with glow in the dark ghosts on them. We have never had the heart to tell her they were condoms...
12 years ago
BTW - thanks everyone for participating in Testiclegate 2012.

The truth will set you free TS.
12 years ago
Alair Abernethy
Bwahahaha! <3
12 years ago
You are all sick, sick, people. But LOL.
12 years ago
Sad Pollen
its a leaf
12 years ago
Cleops Cleops snapped this
at 8:46am on August 28, 2012
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