Getting boozed off the stage!
Kristen Marie
Why do i not get tickets to your comedy shows?
12 years ago
Carl Projectorinski
I need to switch ticket vendors. Ticket Bastard just isn't doing the job they said they would.
12 years ago
Rev. Lightbringer
Who wants to pay Ticket Bastard 50 currants anyhow!
12 years ago
Carl Projectorinski
I'm thinking of switching to Generic Bag. They're an indie ticket vendor with sustainable business practices.
12 years ago
*Lipstick stain smooch between the eyes*
12 years ago
Dahlia DreadNaught
Funniest snap and comment section—bar none!
12 years ago
Carl Projectorinski Carl Projectorinski snapped this
at 10:43pm on June 14, 2012
with the Boost Filter
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