Status update

Ugh, no Internet, and I don't know when it will be back :( Hope to see you in Ur again soon...

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Status update
Voluptua Sneezelips

*rewires entire internet to fix it* ...I really hope this lady hasn't moved into your neighbourhood:

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Status update

Soon enough, buddy! Enjoy the disconnect for what it is :)

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Status update

I know your pain... i had to deal with an outage of both internet AND electricity, during a three day storm back in 2009

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Status update

You shall be missed Var. Hope everything gets better my friend.

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Piece of Serenity

oh noooooooooooooo. (((Varaeth))) hope its very soon.

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Status update

Boooo... I tried to send you a cup of internets, but it all fell out when I tried to put it in the mailbox. Hope you get some internets soon!

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Status update

Internet's probably going to be up soon, so I'll most likely be in Ur later tonight :)

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  1. Pearl

    Meant to only like this status, not that you'd be away. But I can't un-click that like. Hope to see you soon!