Status update

Cuddly trees (with eyebrows) who take care of my poor neglected piggies *hint* cause I haven't played in days, will certainly get some. *nods* Ps: Please feel free to take my herbs, I won't use them anyway.

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  1. HolzOnkel

    Hint? What hint? ;) Btw, i just accidently dropped by in your house, and i have to say, your piggies where nearly resorting to cannibalism! I gave a nice little refill to those feeders....

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in reply to

Status update

Hint? What hint? ;) Btw, i just accidently dropped by in your house, and i have to say, your piggies where nearly resorting to cannibalism! I gave a nice little refill to those feeders....

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Status update

WOAH, that seemed to be a close call, thanks! By the way, if one of the piggies nibbled your butt you gotta let me know, it will be slaughtered and fed to the others tomorrow! MUAHAHAHA!!!!!

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  1. HolzOnkel

    As. If. *pff* I'm not the likes that gets his butt nibbled easily, you know... ;)

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