Status update

Day 24: Spam 1: Proud to live in BC: Yeah! There's a bunch of references to B.C. here. I don't know them all, but here's a few: The Japadog costume, in the coat section of the wardrobe. This is specifically the Terimayo hotdog from the Japadog street food stand that started in Vancouver. It also has a stand in New York. Sometimes they come to UBC. There's also the green man costume and the Double 00 Jersey, which are references to the Vancouver Canucks. There are two fans who dress head to toe in green spandex who sometimes show up at Canucks games, and the Double 00 Jersey has the old colours of the Canucks in the 80's to mid 90's. And some kind of sea creature which could be an orca. The new colours are green, blue and white. I remember going into an Abercrombie in the US near the border and there were those three colours on one of their signs, which I thought was some kind of attempt to subliminally attract Canucks fans, as so many of their customers are from here. And, there's of course Burnabee/Burnaby in Groddle Forest. And, I bought the Stanley Bark Cabinet, which is a reference to Stanley Park, which a lot of tourists like to visit. And possibly some of the upgrade cards, but I'm not sure. A series of them are named Captain Cook, so I thought it was reference to Captain James Cook, who was an explorer of B.C. And there's the Chilliwack filter, too. Chilliwack is east of the GVRD (a.k.a. Metro Vancouver).

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  1. kastlin

    On top of that, there were some general Canadian references. And I'm embarrassed to say how long I played before I realized Adanac was Canada backwards. I was on that street quite a lot!

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Status update

On top of that, there were some general Canadian references. And I'm embarrassed to say how long I played before I realized Adanac was Canada backwards. I was on that street quite a lot!

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Status update

adanac may be canada backwards, but it is also a variety of apple.

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  1. kastlin

    Hi flask!!! Really? That's one I haven't had! (and I grew up in Minnesota, very big on apples there)

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Status update
Miss Portinari

Adanac is also the name of a street in Vancouver!

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  1. kastlin

    Wow!! Learning a lot today!! And so glad to see you Miss P.!!! You threw the best parties! And I love your Glitch tarot!!!! Be well!!

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