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On top of that, there were some general Canadian references. And I'm embarrassed to say how long I played before I realized Adanac was Canada backwards. I was on that street quite a lot!

2 replies

2 replies
  1. flask

    adanac may be canada backwards, but it is also a variety of apple.

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  2. Miss Portinari

    Adanac is also the name of a street in Vancouver!

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adanac may be canada backwards, but it is also a variety of apple.

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Hi flask!!! Really? That's one I haven't had! (and I grew up in Minnesota, very big on apples there)

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1 reply
  1. flask

    most current commercial apple varieties are descended from the same six apples. currently there are projects at UVM and cornell plantations (among others) to find and catalog lost apple varieties, which is a project since apples are perhaps the most wildly heterozygous species on the planet.

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