Status update
Little Poundcake

True story: we have a way to view all of the animal names that any given player ever gave to an animal. You named 629 animals, and 7 of those were helikitties. Facts!

4 replies

4 replies
  1. ~Scilly~

    o-0 know what I named my critters?! oy veh!

  2. flask

    oooh, data. here is a thing i want to know: does the record include multiple namings of the same animal? because i'm pretty sure i renamed a kitty in buckward vale (?) more than three times. and your count probably does not include any helikitties i renamed at parties? because while renaming helikitties was never a primary activity, i really think 7 is a low figure. and since you have the data: how many animals did i name "trombone"?

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Pale Queen


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