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4 replies
  1. Ayasta

    I'm not, I seem to be too cantankerous or something for most people to enjoy...

    1 reply

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Beans, Obviously

nobody requests me! :( typical....

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acro, obviously

You're already friends with the best of us though, Beans! <3

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Carl Projectorinski

After all this time, reading your name in the forums, and watching my friends refer to you in chat, and I never did extend the request. I think I may have been intimidated for some stupid reason!

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What Carl said! There are a lot of glitchen I didn't friend long ago because to me it seemed they were part of the "in" crowd, and I've never been part of the "in" crowd ..... until Glitch!

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I think you were one of my first friends, Beans...but I will now add Robo Yeti - LOL!

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Beans, Obviously

awww...thanks, guys! the idea that i am intimidating or in the "in" crowd actually made me laugh out loud and a little pee came out. i'm more like the awkward next door neighbor...

2 replies

2 replies
  1. Minkey

    I haven't followed all that this was in reply to but the part about laughing and a little pee...well, that made me laugh out loud! thanks for that :)