Status update

AUGH do I put my Jennyanydots name or my Beth name down for the Indiegogo goodies?! I WANNA BE FAMOUS IN THE RIGHT WAY

4 replies

4 replies
  1. xombiekitty

    I had that problem too! I decided to go with xombiekitty since that's how other Glitchen know me :)

    1 reply

  2. katlazam

    Whatever you do, just don't forget Stanley. We all know who's really in charge around here! ;)

    1 reply

  3. Fernstream

    I went with my Glitch name, because that's how people know me and how I think of myself in relation to the game.

  4. Madzapan

    I put Madzapan. I mean, that's who I am in Glitch!

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Status update

I went with my Glitch name, because that's how people know me and how I think of myself in relation to the game.

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