Status update

It's a kid's game, but it's quickly growing on me. If anyone (or their child) is on Tinkatolli (, I'm klorohaoma. :)

4 replies

Status update
2 replies
  1. Palindrome

    I honestly wonder how you come up with these names. The vibe I pick up from you from all these interactions is that you make up random stuff, as different as the wind can be blue, at a moment's whim!

    2 replies

  2. Minkey

    I think I love this game already!!! I just created a new and different Minkey!

    1 reply

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Status update

How did you guys find it? I realized after an hour or so that it was kind of limited, though I wish I had a kid to craft some of the stuff IRL with.

1 reply

1 reply
  1. Kayaka Violin

    It is pretty limited, only a few streets to go on and not much to do. Much more of a stress-relieving break for twenty minutes than the five-hour Glitch marathons. Interesting, nonetheless.