
READ ME! Prize obtainable!

I somehow have visited my homestreet 1000 times. It was then that I thought, is that normal? This is how I'm finding out.
1.) Visit your homestreet the moment you read this and check how many times you've visited.
2.) Write below how many times.
3.) Wait for awhile!

I will then choose a person with the lowest or highest number to win. Maybe even both....

The prize?  Altogether valued at approxiametly 3650.
1 Deimaginator Cubimal
1 Generic Blue Bag
1 Pleasing Amber
1 Musicblock DB-4
1 Note Pole
2 Modestly Sized Rubies
20 pumpkin seeds
240 spinach

I have finally got the winners. Yes, plural. The numbers were so amazing, I just have to award them both. So congratulations to...




Could the winners please contact me asap so I can organize who gets 3650c or the prize bag!

Posted 12 years ago by Maxy Cat Subscriber! | Permalink


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