
Awesome Chefs *New Housing Route*

Welcome to Awesome Chefs- the housing resource route that caters exclusively to chefs. Inspired by the wildly popular dish, Awesome Stew, this route provides all Glitchens with an easy way to collect their ingredients for cooking.

Minimum Route Requirements:
• 2 Spice Trees
• 2 Fruit Trees
• 1 Bean Tree 
• 5 Pigs 
• Either 1 Egg Tree OR Crop Garden
• Either 5 Butterflies OR 5 Chickens

Optional Resources:
• Additional resources from the list above
• A gnome or note pole


How to Join:
1. Cultivate or edit your home street as necessary.
2. Sign up here or contact me (the curator).
3. Add the name of the route member before you to the top of your sign pole (sign #1). 

Need Help Getting Started?
If you need help getting started, please contact me and I will provide you with a reasonable amount of the resources required. 

Disclaimer: Please note that because this route is new, it may be tweaked or edited as needed. If this is the case, tree poison and fertilidust (or other necessary tools) can be provided. 

Posted 11 years ago by Fawnie Subscriber! | Permalink
