
Text Box in Animal Naming Dialog does not get focus without clicking it

I often navigate the game using only the keyboard - avoiding the mouse/trackpad if possible. However, whenever I went to Name or Rename an animal, I found that I had to switch to the mouse cursor to click on the name textbox before I could type the animal's new name.

Steps to Re-create:
1. walk to a pig.
2. hit "enter" key
3. cursor up to "Name" or "Rename" option and hit "enter"
4. The "Name and Animal" dialog pops up BUT you can't just start typing the new name, because the Name textbox doesn't have "focus"
5. You must click the textbox with the mouse before you can start typing the name.

It would be nice to have the Name textbox automatically selected so that we can do this whole naming process smoothly using only the keyboard.

Thanks Glitchdevs!

Posted 13 years ago by Cunning Linguist Subscriber! | Permalink