
New sorting features not working properly

I'm assuming this is a bug because we were told the new storting would fix it (see this thread, middle of the second page in dgl's reply to my question on exactly this issue).

Even with all three sort upgrades, things still aren't stacking efficiently; see this screenshot. This happend while grinding spices. My Spice Rack was full of Allspice, but as I was grinding spices for cooking, a space opened up after the first 100 Hot Peppers were ground and the second 100 Hot Peppers went into the Spice Rack instead of joining the existing open stack.

Posted 12 years ago by Janitch Subscriber! | Permalink


  • We'll take a peek at it, thanks!
    Posted 12 years ago by kevbob Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I assume this is the same problem - performing a magic sort on a spice rack with empty slots does not result in spice from other bags being moved across to the empty slots in the spice rack - which I would have assumed the magic sort would do (as for any other bag set up for this e.g. 'herbs' or 'crops'). 
    Posted 12 years ago by JarkWoman Subscriber! | Permalink