
Repeatable decoration display...hiccup..

Alright, so here's another bug I found, but seeing how it's a "That should probably be fixed eventually" bug and not a gameplay issue or exploit, I thought I'd write it up in a forum post.

Basically, I found a way for a glitch to have free wallpaper as long as they don't reload their house, and they don't have to remain in decorate mode for it. In short, if you go to place wallpaper, and click the "x" to cancel or mash the escape key before it fully loads, it will stay on the wall, and since the action to remove it has already taken place, it won't be removed until a reload is done.

Now, this wallpaper is only visible to the house owner. I had a friend (thanks awesome sauce01!) come over and check my walls, but they appeared as grey stucco to them, instead of what I saw. So in reality, it's just a single-user graphical hiccup, and not a full fledged bug, but every report helps, right? I did not check to see what else you could do this with, but assume floors/ceilings too at the very minimum.

Lastly, you can do it on multiple floors with any option, including subscriber only stuff. I took a snap and it can be viewed here if you'd like. If you need any more information, please reply or contact me through any other channels you have available.

Posted 12 years ago by XD Subscriber! | Permalink