
"You've learned all the skills that are available to you!"

This is similar to the "bug" that existed before.  You haven't actually learned all the skills if you're in the middle of learning the last one, but it still says the above.

Posted 12 years ago by Biff Beefbat Subscriber! | Permalink


  • Thanks- this probably won't be super high priority, but which one that existed before?
    Posted 12 years ago by kevbob Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Essentially the same issue, it was just worded differently.  Something along the lines of "Congrats, you got 'em all!" when there was still one to go.

    I think it was slightly more of an issue, because if you had a few skills halfway done, it still gave you that message, which is more not true than if you only have one to go.

    Actually that might be the case now, but I only have the one skill left to experiment with at the moment.

    I could be totally wrong about that second part, though.
    Posted 12 years ago by Biff Beefbat Subscriber! | Permalink