
Playing too long restart suggestion: "Learn more" link

Clicking the "Learn more" link when you get the suggestion to reload doesn't seem to actually have a FAQ entry associated with it.  I'm sure that's on your to do list, but just in case...  ^_^

Posted 12 years ago by Meromorphic Subscriber! | Permalink


  • I get this message all the time. Am I the only one; I have debug, my browzer is up to date and I clear my cache regularly why do I get it ALL the time on the BIG red screen. Must I now restart my browzer evry hour or refrtesh it every hour to NOT get this annoying message Yuk! Anyone have any suggestions I am open to them Thanks
    Posted 12 years ago by PEKES Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Yep, thanks Meromorphic. We'll fix.

    PEKES- please check our posts over in this topic. Also, we do not recommend you clear your cache regularly just for the game. That causes you to re-download content, like streets, image assets, etc. Only clear it if something is broken in a way that can't generally be explained; we consider it a last resort tool.
    Posted 12 years ago by kevbob Subscriber! | Permalink