
You lose your drink ticket if you try to buy wine with a full inventory

I suppose it's silly to complain about mistreatment in Hell, but this behaviour doesn't seem right.  If you have a full inventory (and a 2+ stack of drink tickets) and talk to the bartender, you get the message "You tried to buy wine" and then lose your ticket.  Of course, you can't eat, drink, or drop anything when you're dead, so there's no way to clear space for the wine and no way to get the ticket back.  (Eventually I figured out that I could auction something.  It took a while because I'm not very bright.)

I think it would be nice if the bartender held on to the wine for you in the same way that the rock holds on to extra paradise tickets.  But at the VERY LEAST he should refuse to take the ticket if he can't give you the wine!  Otherwise it's a looooooong, slooooooow walk for no purpose (and possibly a lot of wasted tickets if you don't see the local chat message and/or don't figure out the auction trick).

Posted 12 years ago by Pale Queen Subscriber! | Permalink