
broken incantations

I have filed a report on this but wanted to know if anyone else was running into this problem. three of us set off to remote areas of Ur.. Dutifully uttered the incantation in  order, and if worked until it didn't   three streets in a row... nobody on the streets but us..   . thought okay somebody must have been here alone uttering one of the lines.. but then a party of three  came  onto the street we had just failed on, and BINGO... incantation works...  What am I missing?

Posted 12 years ago by caley dunn Subscriber! | Permalink


  • I actually got this too. Although I think mine might be worse. I have tried the first phrase in several locations and nothing. I even tried the second and third phrases a couple of times with other people, and still no credit.
    Posted 12 years ago by Ishmail Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Someone said one or more of the phrases on the street before you got there. If you say the first phrase and it breaks the chain, say the first phrase again to start the chain again.
    Posted 12 years ago by Zany Serendipity Subscriber! | Permalink
  • My experience after doing a bunch with a party of three is:
    1) wait until everyone loads (and you've seen them move) before you start the first phrase
    2) second phrase wait until the first one succeeds (sometimes the chain is broken on the first phrase even when nothing is wrong)
    3) you can "break" a street if you get the phrases out of order, make sure you group has the cycle down
    4) if you leave a street and come back, it's still been "done" for you
    Posted 12 years ago by Janitch Subscriber! | Permalink