
Quest Window Can Be Lost Offscreen

I accidentally lost my quest window off screen!

Before I tell you how I did it, I need you to set up your browser in a certain way. Make sure that all of the following are true:
a) Your browser is NOT maximized horizontally.
b) Your browser is on the left side of your screen.
c) Your desktop or another application that does not respond to clicks is to the right of your browser, outside of Glitch's window. Notepad can work. I just don't want you to mess up whatever you may be doing in the background. ^^
d) I use Chrome, so I'm not sure if that makes a difference.
e) You need to be on a mouse with two mouse buttons.
f) I'm assuming you open the quest log with the "L" key to make this faster. It can work through the rock menu.

What I did (may take multiple attempts):
1) Press "L"
2) Left click and hold on the draggy part at the top of the quest window.
3) Confirm that you clicked at the right spot by moving your mouse around. The window should follow your mouse.
4) Move the quest window so that the entire window. Preferably, move the window to the top left of the browser.
5) Right click, with your left mouse button held down.
6) Move your mouse off the edge of the browser window. Its distance from your browser window should be greater than the distance from the side of the quest window. (Pretend that you ARE trying to drag the quest window off screen.) The quest window should NOT follow your mouse off the browser window.
7) Release the left mouse button. The quest window may appear. If it doesn't, return to step 2.
8) Click again outside the browser window to remove the right click menu if it is still visible. (That thing is annoying.)
9) Click inside the game to give it keyboard focus.
10) Press "L" over and over again to confirm that you can't access the quest window.

I know no one would exactly reproduce those steps during gameplay, but if flash is slow enough, a user may release the left mouse button without Flash realizing. In that event, the quest window will move with the mouse even if the left mouse button is not pressed, making it more likely for the user to accidentally click outside the browser window. (That's how I found the bug, actually, trying to arrange the quest window to have space to see both the spice mill and the quest window at the same time. Then I accidentally right clicked.)

I'm using Chrome 7.0.503.0 dev on Windows XP SP 2. ^^

Posted 14 years ago by Catriona Subscriber! | Permalink