
prime numbers

I bet 3 chicks and a pig that the deal about leveling to certain prime numbers is about determining which beta tester badge you get.  Badges would vary by the number on it which would depend upon your final level. So, testers that end as level 1-10 get a "1" on their badge, 11-22 get an "11," 23-30 get "23", then 31, 41, 61, "83" for gill288 and Mee Maw Moo, and a one-of-a-kind "101" badge for clare.  If true, this would mean that it will be impossible to get every badge, sympathy for the completist crowd unless you get all the badges you qualify for.  That would mean that clare could get all badges.

Posted 13 years ago by Tingly Subscriber! | Permalink