
Vision dreams of passion.

I've been dabbling in the art of admixing lately, and I've been having a lot of fun. My trees have never looked better, the Giants are happy with me, and my animals are busting loads all over the place! It's a great hobby!

While I was stirring together a few bits of Cosmox with some Lemene to see if I could blow shit up, my beaker started to fill with this fine white substance. So, naturally, I crushed it up and inhaled it through my clearest nostril. And WOW! What a find! (No, seriously, this shit's crazy! Hit me up if you wanna try some. ;] )

It was amazing. My body. My mind! I felt like I could accomplish anything! I quickly made a lot more, gathered my resources, and set out for Ilmenskie Caves to mine some currants. Everything was going great, as long as I kept riding the lines. I knew that when I ran out I'd surely meet the dark dastardly devil grapes below, but that wasn't the problem. It seemed as though I was growing a tolerance to my amazing Wonder-White! Of course, it happens to the best of us. 

My question to you, friends, is how long this tolerance will last. I'm willing to take a t-break, but how long do I have to wait?! I mean, I can do it, but how long??

Posted 13 years ago by Ambrosius Subscriber! | Permalink