
Trading Knowledge (In-Game)

There are many things in this (great) game that require you to discover OR seek out help to find the answer to. How do you make cheese? How do you make salt? Where is? What is? Etc...

Some people like to discovering things for themselves while others are interested in seeking out help in forums, chat, wikis, etc. This environment creates a supply and demand chain. However that supply and demand chain exists OUTSIDE the game.

I propose that knowledge be another form of "currency" IN the game, something that was earned/collected, could be traded or given/shared with others, etc.

What if each time you discovered or learned something in-game a wiki type entry (represented as a "pearl" of wisdom) was added into your character's knowledge tree? As you completed a section of your knowledge tree perhaps you receive EXP or Favor, perhaps you speed up your Skills learning time.

What if you earned Favor by sharing "pearls" of wisdom with a new player? That "pearl" then gets added to their knowledge tree. Those who discover and share knowledge should earn rewards for this, perhaps XP and Favor or something else.

Devil's Advocate...
Why not just reference a wiki or ask someone in chat? Good point, but imagine having an incremental knowledge base that you can refer to in-game, that you accumulate over time and can share with others and get CREDIT for in game. Seems to be a dynamic that this type of game would benefit from.

I have more thoughts on this idea (specifically the mechanics of how it could work), but this topic is already too long! Let me know what you all think!


Posted 13 years ago by en Subscriber! | Permalink