
Storage Shed Option for Home Streets

A storage shed could be offered as an option on Home Streets. Set up as a 16 or 32 slot cabinet that could be built through the cultivation menu, similar to a tower. It would take up space on the street that could have been occupied by a resource, cost iMG, and should start as a project like the tower. 
Now that my Glitchen has gathered furniture and stuff, especially SDBs, it takes forever for her house and tower to load. It would be awesome to be able to build a structure on the home street that could be used to store the stuff that is needed to keep that street running, without having to load the house or tower, and without adding the lag that occurs after loading a huge tower of full house.

Posted 11 years ago by Orchi Da Pea Subscriber! | Permalink


  • i like the idea!!! +1 would be very handy too. I keep most of my stuff in cabinets inside my house - they take forever to load too
    Posted 11 years ago by menthia Subscriber! | Permalink