
Skill Que for Glitch??

I think it would be awesome if Glitch creators could add in a skill que feature that allows for multiple skills to be lined up ready to be trained after the current skill has completed. This idea would work well for people with busy lives and that cant log in every few hrs to add in check their skills, or people planning on going away for a few days.

This idea would help increase the casual player base and welcomed by a lot of current Glitch players :)


Posted 11 years ago by Foxy88 Subscriber! | Permalink


  • There is a website called GlitchAcademy which can do this for you and it notifies you too.
    Posted 11 years ago by Misty Power Subscriber! | Permalink
  • And this Firefox/Chrome extension:
    I guess it's still working :) (I found it when I had already learned all the skills)
    Posted 11 years ago by Rutger Subscriber! | Permalink