
Looking to hold every item before close! Only 33 items left now!

Hi all.

I have a few things I'd love to do before the end of Glitch and one of them is to hold every item in the game. As far as I know the SB-1, the T-1, and the Admin Star are the only three I'm missing. There may be more, and if I discover them I will add them to my list. I know this is highly unlikely to happen but if you have any of these I would love to just hold them briefly and hand them straight back again. Please let me know if you can help me meet this goal.


Items Needed (edited):

* Juju Trowel
* Draught of Wisdom
* Rocky Regeneration Potion
* Pareidolic Giant Image on Toast
* Stoot Barfield Pullstring Doll
* Ticket to Aerial Boost
* Ticket to Drafty Uplift
* Ticket to Updraft
* Cloudhopolis Ticket
* Ticket to Paradise
* Ancestral Paperweight
* Mountaineering Permit
* Junked Tool Part
* Alphabet Soup Potion
* Craftybot Lesson Voucher
* Star-jingler-mid
* Star-jingler-low
* Treasure Map
* Secret Juju Hint
* Batterfly Bounty Booster Bar
* Strange Note
* Test Item 2
* Home Street Ticket
* DCPU-16
* Lantern
* Cornucopia of Crops
* Cornucopia of Herbs
* Signpost Permit
* Monster Bash Party Pack
* Party Pack (regular version no type)
* Phreaky Philter

Posted 11 years ago by xombiekitty Subscriber! | Permalink
